Nakomelingen van Cornelis Eduard MAIER en Greta Lida GOOSSENS

Third Generation

7. Atja MAIER (Pieter Hans , Cornelis Eduard )

Atja married Duco PULLE

They had the following children:

+ 14 M i Arne C. PULLE
  15 M ii Steven PULLE

10. Jan MAIER (Pieter Hans , Cornelis Eduard )

Jan married Mariëtte

They had the following children:

  16 F i Tanja MAIER

12. Karin Marina MENTING (Elise Cornélie MAIER , Cornelis Eduard )

Marina married Geert William Adriaan VAN DER VELDE

They had the following children:

+ 17 M i Pieter Ludo Marcel VAN DER VELDE
  18 M ii Gijs Wouter Alexander VAN DER VELDE
+ 19 F iii Merel Emilie VAN DER VELDE

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